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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How 2Basic Clean your Monitor Screen?

There are types of monitors available today, which are used by most of the computer users.

One type of monitor is called CRT (Cathode ray tube) monitor.

Other type of monitor is called LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) monitor.

First let's look at the stuff that you can use to clean CRT monitor screen. To clean CRT monitor, you can use standard glass cleaner because the screen of CRT monitor's is made
of glass, and to wipe out any dirt use paper towels or soft cloth.

To clean LCD monitor screen, unlike CRT monitor, use a soft, dry, clean cloth to wipe any dust from screen because the screen of monitor is very sensitive, and can be easily scratched or damaged. you can also use cloths that are use to clean eyeglasses and camera lenses.You can also use electronic cleaning wipes for both type of monitors, which can be purchased from any electronic retail store.

Now when you are basic cleaning a monitor screen, follow these steps.

  • First turn off the computer and monitor, then unplug the monitor from computer.

  • now, take a cleaning wipe or any other cotton cloth and wipe onto screen with slight pressure until you are sure it's clean.

  • If you think that monitor isn't clean and you need use any type of cleaning liquid, spray it on cloth. Do not spray directly onto an screen because it can damage the screen by seeping into the monitor.

  • Now, remember if it's an LCD screen, too much pressure can damage the screen as well.

  • Also, wipe out any dirt you see around the monitor, especially back side.

By following these steps at least once a week, it will keep you monitor clean and usable for long time of period.

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