Today's digital camera has so many features, which all drains the power from the batteries. I know Its frustrating, when you want to capture the image forever, but you can't because battery indicates its too low. You think you have taken only 150 photos, how it can be too low, But here is how you can save the power and make most out of your camera's battery.
- Use the Optical viewfinder rather than digital viewfinder. Digital viewfinder is the LCD screen in digital camera.
- Don't review your pictures very often or for long time. you don't need look at every picture you take. Wait until you transfer pictures to you computer for detail review.
- Disable the flash when you don't need it. Sometimes when light is so bright outside such as in broad daylight, turn off the flash.
- Leave the camera on, If you will use it very frequently. Use power saving mode if your camera provides it.
- Avoid using zoom, when you don't need to. For example step ahead for little or step back.
These tips are very helpful, and they will save some power in you camera batteries to capture memorable images.
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